Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break

Spring break is usually a really fun time for me. I love that I actually get to spend time with the kids without worrying about homework and bedtimes. We usually like to do something fun with them too. Last year we took them all to Tucson for a spring training game (D-backs).

Jensen wasn't feeling well. He slept through the whole game.

After the game we took the kids to Funtastics and had a lot of fun. Jensen still wasn't feeling good so I took him out to the car so he could sleep while Darren and the rest of the kids finished up. I thought it was a little chilly outside so I turned on the heater. I think I kinda of cooked Jensen. I didn't know that he had gotten under a big down comforter and his red fleece blanket. When Darren and the kids came out to the car, we tried to wake him up and he was OUT OF IT! His face was all red and his eyes were glazed over. He was talking nonsense and banging his fists on the seat in front of him. He scared all of the kids and put Morgan into tears.

This spring break Morgan and Jensen went to New Mexico to be with Scott and Amanda and Garrett and Rylee came down to be with us. We didn't really do anything exciting because Darren was busy on the farm. They are behind this year due to the rainfall that we have gotten.

We took Matthew, Garrett, and Rylee to Globe last night and will go back to get Matthew on Sunday and we will go get Morgan and Jensen on Saturday. I hope next spring break will be funner! I want to save money to go on a cruise with the kids. I better start now!

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