Friday, February 5, 2010

Welcoming Matthew

After many late-night talks and tears with his mom, Matthew has decided to live with us. Thatcher will provide Matthew with the good friends, good school and all the wonderful small town experiences a teenage boy would want. He first told us that he prayed about it and felt that it was what he wanted last summer. We talked to him and told him that he needed to think and weigh all the options of this big decision. He decided to stay with his mom because he realized he wasn't ready to leave his siblings behind and he wasn't prepared to break his mom's heart. He is such an amazing boy to be able to put others feelings above his own. Summer and Shawn have been noticing a change in Matthew and felt that they needed to let him go. Summer is a special woman and mother to do this for her child.
He has been here for almost a week now. He enjoys being a Thatcher Eagle and loves that he has seminary during school and most of all loves that he gets to leave campus for lunch. He usually goes to Coby's house or here for lunch. It has been fun having him here. Morgan and Jensen count down the minutes to when he is suppose to walk in the door from school. They love having a big brother in the house. They like to sit and do homework with him and especially love the nerf gun wars down in the basement. Last night Matthew played in his first church basketball game. Our ward got beat, but Matthew scored the most points. We told Matthew that he had to go out Friday night, so we'll see how he does making plans. We already know that he is planning to go to the Varsity basketball game. We are so lucky to have him in our home and look forward to the time with him. Darren and I were both really nervous about him coming to live with us. Our biggest concern was that we provide him with what he needs in this last stretch of his teenage years to be ready for his mission. Summer and Shawn have done such an amazing job with him (and Garrett and Rylee). We look forward to the challenge and are hoping that we can provide all the love and stucture that he needs. We are just so blessed to have him here. Welcome Matthew- we love you!


Larissa said...

What a big change for everyone! I am sure it will work out! Love you!

Rachel said...

Welcome Matthew!