Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I had a surprise birthday party for Morgan and it went off without a hitch. Morgan has developed some really good friends this year and I am so pleased! It has been complete drama since first grade. This year has been so different and I believe it is because of the friends she has. They all come from great families and are really down-to-earth girls.
The hardest part about the whole thing is that she was getting frustrated with me because she wanted to have a party and I had to tell her that we were going to have a party with the family. She loves family parties, but after her last friend birthday party (drama, drama, drama) she has had family parties since. She even told me that she was aware that her last two parties have been with the family. I knew it was killing her.
I had Jensen get her address and phone book for me when she took a shower one night. She takes extremely long showers so I was able to call all of her friends, but two which I called the next day, to invite them. They all were really excited to play a trick on her and never gave her any clue that they were going to surprise her.
I had my mom keep her and Jensen over at her house while I picked up the girls. Then my mom told her that they were going to get some pizza for all of us to eat that night (us, nana and papa, and visiting family from Tucson). When they were on their way back from Papa Johns, I called my mom and told her that I needed Morgan to come back home because I was cleaning her closet out and needed her to come help me because it was a disaster! Morgan hates cleaning with me- I throw everything away! The girls got into place and we heard them come in. She immediately came downstairs and we got her good. She was so surprised and excited to see all of her friends.
We ate pizza and then her teacher, Ms. Elliot (also my friend) taught them how to play NERTZ the card game. They caught on really well and played a few rounds. Then we made flower hair clips. They had a blast doing this. I am glad I thought of this because it probably was the funnest thing they did. They all kind of made the same ones and then decided which ones they were going to wear each day of the week the following week at school. Then I put in a movie, Bolt, and they watched it for about 15 minutes before they got bored and played hide-and-seek. They stayed over until about 9:30 pm and then I took them home. They really enjoyed themselves and I am glad I could make Morgan happy. Happy 11th birthday Mogie!

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