Thursday, November 6, 2008


Morgan enjoyed her first year playing soccer. Because she was ten years old she was suppose to be in the league that is co ed. I took her to her first practice and just about died when I saw the other kids on her team. They were giants! Ok, so maybe Morgan is just a tad bit short! Anyway, this team was like crazy good because they had been playing since they could walk and poor old Morgan didn't even know what boot the ball meant. So I went home and told Darren and he of course fixed everything. He called someone he knew that used to be in charge of the AYSO program here and they gave him the information he needed to plead Morgan's case. So Darren talked to the commissioner and told him why we thought Morgan needed to go down a level. He said that he would take it to the board, but was worried that they wouldn't let her because of her age and being too aggressive and running over all the 9 year olds. They ended up letting her go down only if she wasn't going to bully the girls on the field. We assured him that he had no problem. I took Morgan to her first "new" practice and she fit in just nicely! In fact, she was probably the smallest one on that team too! She had so much fun and wants to do it again next year. She is going to have to talk me in to that one because she will definitely have to move up and I don't know that I want to give up all of our weekends to soccer again. It lasts FOREVER! I am a softy though, so we will see!She loved to be a defender which is the player the defends the goal before it gets to the goalie. She did wonderful! Her team ended up only losing one game all season and it was the game that Morgan missed. She got her trophy and is just so proud of herself. We love Mogie!


Lori said...

Go Morgan! How fun - Lindsey and Carly loved soccer.

Laytons said...

Natural Athlete! :) She looks so good for playing soccer. Love you Moggie.