Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well, I thought that I would take the time to sit down and add more to the story of Darrek's first week of life. I would have loved to have added pictures of his way out of Safford in his helicopter ride but, the pictures are being held captive by Curtis and Chantel's computer (that darn thing). Anyway, the flight team arrived and got him all transfered over to their machines and wisked him away over the Mountain to Tucson. Darren and my dad actually arrived to TMC before Darrek did, so they were waiting for him when he got there. I arrived the next morning with my mom. I am so thankful to have such wonderful and supportive parents. They are really awesome considering all that they have going on in their lives.

Darrek stayed in a clear box until he was able to breathe enough on his own for the canula. He also couldn't nurse or take a bottle until he was able to do that. This picture is when we came in and the nurse had him out of his box and feeding him. We were so happy. I started to nurse him every four hours after that.

The nurses and doctors where so awesome. I appreciate their abilities to know how to care for such sweet little things. Darrek was a giant in the NICU compared to all the other babies. There were some babies that would fit in your hand. The experience I think really made Darren and me appreciate our baby so much more. We were so happy to bring him home a week later on my birthday. I told the nurses that the best birthday gift I could ask for would be to take my baby home. I think they really tried hard to wheen him off of the oxygen after I told them that.

This is the helicopter that he rode in.

These are just some his visiters in the NICU. The kids were really excited to see him.

Rylee and Garrett


Grandpa Paul

Morgan and Jensen finally arrived from New Mexico. Darrek had some jaundice and he is in a billi-blanket or as Darren called it, The Glow Worm. I love his eye mask!

His last day! My birthday Present!!

We are finally Home! His first photos at home.


chad and lemae said...

he is so adorable! i can't wait to hold him again.

Larissa said...

Fun pictures!! It is fun to see the kids seeing looking at him! You look absolutely beautiful(as always). Love ya...