I have a hard time getting to the computer these days. I just find that if I get on the computer, I waste precious time I could be spending with my children. Then by the time they get in bed, Darren is home and I like to spend the time with him.

Darren is busy picking! Darrek and I take him lunch every day and spend about 2 hours riding with him. Darrek usually smiles, laughs, and talks to him during the first 5 minutes and then falls asleep for the rest of the ride. This has put a wrench into the whole schedule, but it really is necessary. If we didn't go ride with him for these few hours a day, Darren wouldn't get to see, or maybe I should say Darrek wouldn't get to see Darren at all. Darrek is usually still sleeping when Darren leaves in the morning and is already in bed before he gets home. Darrek and Darren are the best of buddies. It really is quite extraordinary to see Darrek light up when Darren walks into the room and talks to him. He gives him the biggest smiles.
Darren, Darrek, and I went for a ride around the mountain yesterday. It was too windy to pick so they stopped around 1:00 and Darren called home to ask me if I wanted to go for a ride. It was a beautiful ride. I love to get to spend time with my best friend. Darrek just slept the whole time. He loves to be in the car!

Matthew is doing well. Darren took him hunting a couple of weeks ago. They saw 15 bucks total and he ended up shooting his first white tail, but second deer. This was the first night Darren was away from Darrek. He missed us both, but it was for a good cause. Darren loves to spend time with his boys when he gets the chance. Matthew is such a good kid, or teenager and does really well hanging out with all of the younger kids. We took a weekend trip up to Nutrioso to help Uncle Verle and he was so kind to play with all the kids. Jensen loves it when Matthew comes to town!

Garrett is doing fantastic as well. He is such a smart little whip! All of his core classes are honors classes and he is getting straight A's. I think he spends all of his time doing homework to get such good grades as he does. He is also such a hard worker. He loves to drive the gator around up at the cabin to help Verle out. Verle said that if they could give out licences for Gators, he would make sure that Garrett had one.

Rylee is still as cute as ever. All she wants to do and talk about is getting to Thatcher to ride in the cotton picker with Dad. She enjoys school and we understand she is quite the social butterfly!

Morgan is growing up! She has been babysitting for our Bishop and making more money than I do (of course)! She has picked up volleyball lately and loves it. I got a volleyball for her and she carries it with her everywhere. She is getting all A's and is doing well in school. Her friends talked her into trying out for the choir and she was just told that she made it. She has a really pretty voice and I am so proud of her for trying out. She is a great big sister to both of her brothers. She is always kind to Jensen (we will take it while it lasts) and such a great help to me with Darrek. He absolutely knows who his brothers and sisters are. I had a good time taking her shopping last weekend. My little girl is growing up. She got new jeans, and hoody, and some perfume at Aeropostle, and new black vans from Journeys. We just had a really good time spending some time together. While we were shopping, Grandma and Grandpa Evans watched Darrek. When we got back to Grandma and Grandpa's I took the kids swimming down to the pool. Needless to say it was too cold and the trip lasted only ten minutes.

Jensen is loving school as always and getting straight A's. He is such a sweetie and I love it when he walks in from school. He is always so happy to see me. He can't wait for Halloween, or as we call it around here, Darren's Birthday! He is going to be some guy with a pumpkin on his head. I think he got it from a book cover that he read. He loves to read books. Both Morgan and Jensen got the H1N1 flu shot last week. Jensen does not like needles! He got hives when he had to get his shots for kindergarten! He didn't know he was getting a shot until I told him to get on to the table. It worked-he didn't have time to stress about it.

Darrek is doing so well I can't even believe it. He is such a dream baby. He is so well natured and doesn't cry very much at all. He just grunts when he is unhappy, hungry, or tired. He is now officially sleeping through the night. He is wanting to fall asleep around 7:00 at night and wakes up to eat around 5:00 in the morning. He loves his daddy, loves his baths, and loves to go for rides in the car. I can't wait to see how much he weighs next month for his 4 month check up.

And last, but certainly not least- I am so happy with my life I can't even tell you. I just feel that for the first time in my life I am completely at peace and happy. I am married to the most wonderful man who loves me and his children with all that he has. He goes to work each day and earns a good living to provide the necessities of life for us. My children are so happy and all great examples to me. They love Christ and it shows in their everyday actions with others, but most importantly they love each other and for that I am truly grateful. I am so thankful that they are all healthy. They mean the world to me. I am grateful for my parents. They always claim not to be perfect, but I think they are perfect for me. They both try really hard to still make their children's lives easier. I enjoyed getting to go through a temple session with them and with all, but one, of my siblings. That was a day I will never forget; Getting to hug everybody in the Celestial room and to see how happy it made my parents to see all of us there with them. I love my Father in Heaven, my Savior Jesus Christ, and am thankful to them for all that is so good in my life. My life is wonderful!!!!