Couldn't sleep tonight so I am doing some updating. I commend all of you mothers who find the time to keep up on this stuff. It is really time consuming. I started working on the Lake Powell Blog at about 12:45 am and it is already 3:00 am. Anyway, Morgan wanted to play softball again this summer before she left for New Mexico. She got to play one whole game. She did really good.
Well, another Lake Powell trip down! We had such a great time and didn't even get sunburned this year. The three younger kids all tried to wake board this year. I am so proud of them for trying every day. I have some really good video of them and I will have to find the time to upload it. Matthew is getting really good on the wake board- he is catching some air now when he jumps the wake. Garrett is also good at wake boarding, but he likes to spend a lot of the time fishing when he can. Darren only got to get in the water (to wake board) once this whole trip. I felt bad for him. He has to do all the driving for everybody else. I only got to wake board a few times. Darren was scared the entire time so I would only go about fifty feet and then throw the rope. We usually share a houseboat with the whole Palmer family, but this year we were lucky enough to have our own (Thanks to Dennis and Mogie). There was only one day that we really couldn't go out and enjoy the smooth water, so that day we did some tubing and played a lot of cards. I would have to say that the most improved Lake Powell Goer award goes to Jensen. I can still remember our first trip and Jensen wore a shirt the whole time and just about had a break down if he got a drop of water on him. This year he was the first one out of the boat! He did such a great job trying to wake board and didn't whine. He was out in the water whenever he got the chance whether it was to slide down the slide, swim across the cove, wake boarding, knee boarding, or jet ski rides with mom. We are lucky to have great opportunities like Lake Powell. The kids will always remember what fun trips they were. Darren taking us out to Padre Bay. He asked to borrow Jensen's earphones so he could feel more like a captain.
So this post is for my dear cousin Rissa. She keeps asking me to post a belly shot. This is the only one I have and I actually stole it from Chantels blog (thanks Chantel for being such a good blogger). This was last Sunday. It goes in order of who is due. Rachel is due any day now, Chantel is due a week before me, and I am due July 30. I will have to get some better belly shots. Wasn't expecting having a picture taken that day.